Thursday 31 May 2012


DAY SEVEN: Neon yellow beaded necklace, H&M

Apologies for the lack of posting yesterday, I was manically prepping a shoot that's required quite a bit of production that I'm shooting today. By the time you read this, I will be winging my way to Windsor for a day of fringing, tie dye and far too many tents for my liking.

Back to the matter at hand though, it seems you all like my necklace. A lot. And would you believe it, its another £9.99 jobby from H&M. They are seriously hitting the nail on the sartorial head at the moment. I was out shooting some street style the other night and one of my subjects was wearing it. I didn't want to come over all fan girl on her so I didn't dare ask where it was from - after I'd finished, I thought I'd pop in to H&M for a quick evening browse to see what there was and lo, there was the necklace!

I'll be honest, its fairly distracting. Not only because of the colour but also the sheer size and swingy-ness of it. When I have to semi-run for a bus or walk quickly, it swings around quite a lot - there have been several incidents where I've come very close to smacking myself in the face with the Mardi Gras style beads. At least when I do, I can add it to my list of fashion-related injuries. Good times

Worn with: Tee, Matches 4 LFW; sunglasses, Valentino.

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